Hello 2019, I’m Back!

Posted on: March 4, 2019 - In: Everything
Hello everyone,
I hope the new year has started well for you all. This is my attempt to get back here and write, after visiting my family for the end of the year holidays somehow I managed to hurt my lower back.
Because the end of the year holidays there were really limited doctors that would check me and treat me, luckily my father in law (wife’s father) is a medical doctor and managed to treat me for a few days until my appointment for MRI was there.
It was the first time for me getting an MRI scan, it turned out to be something common called Herniated Disk which meant that I will live but I have to lay on my back for 3 weeks straight.
Meanwhile, my plans for vacation were canceled! I got to spend more time with my wife watching movies and ordering pizza which was really good, and also spending time with my grandparents which turned out to be really great.
I got a new ticket hoping that I will have better healthcare in California with my health insurance but the doctor said almost similar things and I’ve been in pain since. Now almost three months later I still have pain but managing with painkillers, physiotherapy, and yoga.
I will try to post more this in here. Otherwise, feel free to follow me @twitter