MozCon – 2021 Virtual

Like everyone else, I am trying to get through these days while being on self-isolation and #WorkFromHome. Today July 12th and 14th, 15th will be attending #MozCon 2021 virtually. Same as last year MozCon 2020.
Like everyone else, I am trying to get through these days while being on self-isolation and #WorkFromHome. Today July 12th and 14th, 15th will be attending #MozCon 2021 virtually. Same as last year MozCon 2020.
Like everyone else, I am trying to get through these days while being on self-isolation and #WorkFromHome. Today July 14th and tomorrow 15th will Moz Con 2020 is happening virtually.
When you’re thinking about how you want to represent your brand online – whether it is your personal brand or your business brand – there’s one no-brainer that you should always do: Use your brand name on all the links you share. A branded link improves trust with your users, increases brand awareness, and gets you more clicks on the content […]
I had the privilege to attend the Google Webmaster Conference Mountain View: Product Summit on November 4, 2019. First off I want to thank Google team for organizing this and inviting me to be there, I wanted to make sure I remember most of the things and I took some notes about the event to […]
Google is bringing its Webmaster Conference to Mountain View on November 4th. I definitely got excited to make it to this one, although, the application process was just a few days due to overwhelming number of applications luckily I got the invite. The official description of the event:
Seattle, Washington is the perfect location for SEO Talks to launch another discussion series and tech blog, with MozCon happening in the city. The event is home to some of the top SEO talent, including notable success stories such as Amazon, Microsoft, and Starbucks. Located just minutes north of Downtown, the convention center corridor is […]
Google wants to broaden your horizons — and maybe put some “fake news” to rest — with its updated News app. The company rolled out the new program during its I/O conference Tuesday. It uses artificial intelligence to show everyone a broad perspective on the same information, unlike, say, the Facebook News Feed, which varies wildly from […]
After working on SEMrush (Mainly Testing) and got Certified in SEO Fundamentals, my mind was going places and I had plenty of ideas. I decided to drive to Campbell downtown to grab some food and catch some Pokemon and think of something to blog on. While on I880 Southbound I realized that my car was sliding right […]
Today after my day job, with my friend from work we attended to an event called BayAreaSearch, it is an April SEO Meetup that I found by coincidence on Eventbrite since my friend James (the hipster one) decided to join me I didn’t mind traffic that much. Even though it was like 1 hour and 20 min drive from […]