Google Webmaster Conference Mountain View: Product Summit

Posted on: November 5, 2019 - In: Bay Area Everything Google SEO
I had the privilege to attend the Google Webmaster Conference Mountain View: Product Summit on November 4, 2019.
First off I want to thank Google team for organizing this and inviting me to be there, I wanted to make sure I remember most of the things and I took some notes about the event to share with SEO community.
As requested from Danny Sullivan No Googlers will be mentioned or quoted by name in this post.
The general schedule of the day:
- 9:00 AM – Check-in and Breakfast
- Coffee Break
- 10:30-12:00 PM – Lightning Talks
- Lunch Break
- 2 PM – Improving Search Over the Years
- Tea Break
- 2:45 PM – Product Fair (speaking with specialist product managers about their search feature)
- Coffee Break
- 4 PM – Fireside chat
Lightning Talks

Before I could start writing It was brought to my attention a really good blog by Jackie Chu that has all the notes. If you read Notes from the Google Webmaster Conference Mountain View: Product Summit it feels like you were there in person. Please follow her and say thank you on Twitter @jackiecchu.

Now I am going to post just some pictures and quote some twitter posts to keep them organized here for future reference.
Photos from the Google Webmaster Conference Product Summit event from yesterday. There are tons, you can go to Twitter and see the #GWCPS hashtag to see more. Here are more photos from SERoundtable
This is one of my favorite moments when everyone in the community would give feedback and Google team for Webmaster Tools were listening and taking notes it seemed like they were getting “roasted”
These guys from Google Search Console team seem like on trail from SEO managers during discussion forum #gwcps #roastme
— Valon (@ValonBadivuku) November 4, 2019
I meet with @JohnMu we talked a bit, he seemed really good person he told me about his t-shirt and the option to go visit Google Merchandise store. Thanks for that.
Good to meet @JohnMu the person behind google #webmastertools #SearchConsole at #gwcps
— Valon (@ValonBadivuku) November 4, 2019
I meet also Berry and he took a video during lunch break:
I just met @rustybrick after following him on @twitter for years #gwcps
— Valon (@ValonBadivuku) November 4, 2019
Lunch at #gwcps thanks Google
— Barry Schwartz (@rustybrick) November 4, 2019
You can see me for a few seconds there eating like there is no tomorrow 😛
How do I learn about these events in the future?
Twitter is one of the best ways to stay in touch with the SEO community and keep a pulse on SEO news and events.
Follow Google, John Mu and any of the following to stay up to date on what’s new and what you should know:
- @johnmu – John Mueller is a favorite in the SEO community. he is the long-standing Webmaster trends analyst at Google
- @googlewmc – The official handle for Google Webmasters
- @methode – Gary Illyes – another key liaison between Google & SEOs
- @searchliason – Danny Sullivan’s official tweets sharing “insights on how Google works”
Learned a lot about #Search and other #WebmasterTools today at #GoogleWebmasterConference good to meet you all and see you soon again! #gwmcps
— Valon (@ValonBadivuku) November 5, 2019
The end.