Hello, I’m Back and Startup School by Y-Combinator

Posted on: September 5, 2018 - In: Everything Startup
Y Combinator’s Startup School is a community of high-quality entrepreneurs and industry professionals as you might know the Y Combinator is a startup program and it harder to get into than Harvard, and they made a mistake which concluded on accepting all 15,000 applicants into Startup School after a major screwup and our team are one of them.
As part of this mistake, our team got into the program ‘wohooo’ one of the coolest things that might happen to anyone who’s interested in Startups. You might ask was YCombinator worth it? I would say Yes. If you manage to get yourself into YCombinator, you should leave anything and everything and go. They’re unlikely to accept you if it wouldn’t be worth it for your company any way you might also get lucky like me, so if you’re even considering it, just apply no matter what.
In my experience, it’s super hands off. That was the most surprising thing for me when we actually got there. We expected startups to work out of their space and to go to lectures and meet with each other all the time, and basically, none of that happens. Y Combinator really only consists on a few formal things like attending regularly on your weekly meeting, watching online at most two classes a week and writing a few sentences on your progress report.
One good thing is that they publicly share most of the classes on their youtube channel, only a few weeks after the class.
We would have a class every Tuesday from 10 AM to noon and if you could not attend there’s always videos that you can watch ch next day.